
Dr. Lemon investigates the intersection between internal communication and employee engagement to better understand the employee experience. Employee engagement provides an opportunity to broaden the internal communication theoretical base and the strategy behind communication among internal audiences, often an assumed audience. Dr. Lemon’s goal is to bridge the gap between theory and practice by using research to understand the nuanced, context-based employee experience to develop employee-centric communication strategies and engagement practices.

Dr. Lemon has published dozens of articles in top academic journals including Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Public Relations Inquiry, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, The Qualitative Report, and Risk Analysis. In addition, she has sole-authored and co-authored multiple, award-winning research papers at national and international conferences such as AEJMC, ICA, and NCA. Most recently, she published a book, The Mindful Qualitative Researcher, as part of Sage’s Qualitative Research Methods Series.

Evidence of research excellence includes numerous Top Paper Awards for the Public Relations Division of the National Communication Association annual conferences, award for Most Influential Article in 2019 from The American Academy of Advertising, Top Paper Award for the Advertising Division of the Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, and ACORN™ Presenter Commendation at the annual Corporate Communication International conference in New York City.